Although it’s very rare, complications from ear infections can develop, including the following:

· An infection of the inner ear that causes dizziness and imbalance (labyrinthitis)

· An infection of the skull behind the ear (mastoiditis)

· Scarring or thickening of the eardrum

· Loss of feeling or movement in the face (facial paralysis)

· Permanent hearing loss

It’s normal for children to have several ear infections when they are young — even as many as two separate infections within a few months. Most ear infections that develop in children are minor. Recurring ear infections may be a nuisance, but they usually clear up without any lasting problems. With proper care and treatment, ear infections can usually be managed successfully. But, if your child has one ear infection after another for several months, you may want to talk about other treatment options with your pediatrician.

Because your child can have trouble hearing without other symptoms of an ear infection, watch for the following changes in behavior (especially during or after a cold):

· Talking more loudly or softly than usual

· Saying “huh?” or “what?” more than usual

· Not responding to sounds

· Having more trouble understanding language in noisy rooms

· Listening with the TV or radio turned up louder than usual

If you think your child may have difficulty hearing, call your pediatrician. Being able to hear and listen to others talk helps a child learn speech and language. This is especially important during the first few years of life.

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