What exactly is physical fitness? Being fit means having more energy to do daily tasks, being more active, and not tiring as easily during the day. Being fit also helps to build a positive self-image and feel better about yourself.

You do not have to spend hours in a gym to be physically active. Every time you and your child throw a softball, swim a lap, or climb up a flight of stairs, your health and fitness levels are improving.

And physical activity has many proven benefits. When you are physically fit, you feel and look better, and you stay healthier. Physical activity can help:

· Prevent high blood pressure

· Strengthen your bones

· Ward off heart disease and other medical problems

· Relieve stress

· Stay active as a child and an adult

· Maintain or achieve an appropriate weight for height and body build

A major benefit of physical activity is that it helps reduce stress. Learning to cope with stress is an important part of healthy living. Family problems, conflicts with friends, and job pressures can cause stress. Major life changes, such as moving to a new home, are also sources of stress. Exercise helps by causing physical changes inside your body that help it react to and handle stress.

Physical activity also has many other health benefits, such as helping to ward off heart disease. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Research has shown that your risk factors as an adult for developing heart disease start during your childhood. A lack of physical activity is one of the major risk factors influencing heart disease, such as high blood pressure, and other medical illnesses.

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